Happy 101st anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye!
Division of German Language Teaching
Our Double Major Programs
Division of Preschool Education/ Division of Primary School Education/ Division of Turkisch Language Education/ Division of Chemistry Education
We are waiting for you.
All the colors of life are here—what about you?

The aim of Division of German Language Teaching is to train the future teachers of German in the related subjects such as methods of teaching German as a foreign language, language acquisition, language-culture interaction, literature education, translation, language skills, developing and adapting materials for different age groups on different levels, preparing a syllabus considering student needs and expectations, analyzing German textbooks and computer supported language teaching, etc. 

The main goal of Division of German Language Teaching is to educate qualified German teachers. For this reason, students attend classes in  high schools for practical education and intern during their last year of education to transform the theoretical knowledge they’ve gained during university education to in-class application practice.